Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cilip or Cluetrain?

Library and Information Gazette, the free magazine for all cilip members provided 10 top tips for librarians. It was provided by Catherine Dhanjal and Sarah Walton from a workshop at LIS 2006. The 10 tips are as follows:-

1.Agree your key objectives.
2.List what services you offer.
3.Talk to 10 customers about how they rate those services.
4.Ask 10 different customers about how much they know about the range of services you offer.
5.Talk to 10 non customers about why they don’t use you.
6.Write down 3 benefits of your service - which you can back up with evidence.
7.Add those 3 benefits to all promotion tools and communication channels.
8.List how/where in the last year you’ve communicated with your customers.
9.List how/where in the last year you’ve communicated with your non-customers.
10.Whenever you write a promotional piece for your service, read it through and ask - ‘so what?’.

How Cluetrain is this…….is totally reads like ‘markets are conversations’. I think this really is a pretty good idea libraries should look into.

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