Thursday, June 18, 2009

Good news for me

Firstly, i'm off to Seville with my Girlfriend for a long weekend today and taking no phone, ipod or internet. We have one day around the town on friday and a wedding saturday, but it will be nice to get away.
Secondly, my contract was extended for a year and being moved to a new department.
Thirdly, because of two I can start my Cilip Chartership. This was spurred on by a recent post I read and that I know have a years security.
This also means I can use some of my holiday time up on projects like using Yahoo Pipes, Moodle and Flash MX. Am I happy ;)

1 comment:

Katharine Widdows said...

Congrats on your contract being extended! And good luck with the chartership! Do get in touch if you think of any chartershippy things you'd like to talk about or see on my blog. And thanks for the link!