Saturday, June 06, 2009

Should we stop blogging and go to twitter........

(Found Via David Lee King), I was pointed to Kathryn Greenhill blog post entitled When should you stop blogging ? in which she says:-

While I don’t think I have any intention of stopping Librarians Matter, I’ve noticed my posts are slowing down as I enter my third year. I’ve been spending more time twittering, on new work projects, blogging elsewhere , getting slowly interested in videoblogging - and even trying to go walking at 6am to spend some one-on-one time with Mr10.

I've gone through periods where i have struggled to blog, but the idea of just twitter or not blogging seems a sad loss. I like blogging as I feel it keeps me up to date, I have to read something current and I interact with people I respect. I even wish it made me a better writter, but thats not so i'm afraid. If your thinking of quitting blogging check Walt Crawford's Thinking about Blogging in Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large.


waltc said...

The next installment of "Thinking about blogging" will (probably) appear in the July issue, out sometime in the next two weeks. Thanks for the mention...

les said...

Dear Walt,

I look forward to your follow up in the july issue
