Monday, December 20, 2010

Real Wikiman is writing a book

The real wikiman has revealed he is writing a book. In the post he says the following:-

this isn’t a book about marketing the profession (or the industry) – it’s about marketing your specific library. So, I would absolutely love to hear what you think you’d like to see in such a book. Each chapter will be on a different theme, and they’ll all feature a case-study. I’m yet to finalise the proposal with Facet, so if you can give me your ideas quick I’ll try and make sure they’re addressed!.

Sounds interesting. He also asks anyone to send him any idea's, saying:-

I would absolutely love it if you can leave me some comments, or email me your thoughts if you’d rather it be private, and tweet a link to this post to encourage others to do the same (or share it on Facebook).

So I'll put my totally unoriginal idea's here. These idea's I expect Ned already knows. First up, read Brian Mathews Marketing Today's Academic Library: A Bold New Approach to Communicating with Students I suppose is the first step.

Secondly, ask Joanne Alcock about her dissertation which was about 'marketing in HE libraries in the UK'.

Thirdly, check Nancy Dowd's blog and Book called The Accidental Library Marketer.

Fourthly, Marilyn Johnson This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All. I remember reading a chapter in the book that described a librarian at New York library and would introduce himself to authors, offering to assist them if needed. These would then assist him when setting up any financial events they may need for the library.

Anyway. I expect he knew this already.

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