Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why no comments article via ttw

Taming the web has linked to an interesting article entitled 'why no comments' (via here). In it, TTW says (sorry this is poor practice but still):-

One of the stumbling blocks for libraries when we talk about blogging is the fact that so many library blogs never get comments. This article - focused on associations - might be very useful for strategic planning for the library blog.

I especially like this one:

2. Open and easy. If you really want to build comments, you have to be open and make commenting easy. Limiting your blog content or commenting features to members also limits what you can achieve with your blog. A members-only strategy may be appropriate in some cases, but not if your goal is to engage a vocal audience. In fact, to truly be open, try setting up a blog with

No login;
Easy to find comment links;
No captchas—those annoying things that make people spell out letters to prove they are human;
No moderation. (You can always be notified of new posts and moderate after the comments are posted.) The instant gratification a new commenter feels when they see their name and content post to your site is not to be underestimated.

I totally agree. So many times i've spoken to libraries and ease of access is such a stumbling block. It could be I don't sell it well enough, but I think any blogger feels content when they recieve comments.

Please feel free to comment ;)

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