Tuesday, May 22, 2007

libraries and blogging

As I have said so many times before (1 & 2). As the dissertation is about libraries,librarians and blogging, I thought I would do some interviews to get some idea's etc. But, what I found disconcerting (and I should've known this), was the lack of library blogs, in comparison to librarians who blog.
Is it me, or wouldn't a libraries advocacy be better placed by allowing libraries and customers to interface by this technology (and others)? I mean I'm not trying to sound like an old sour puss (which I can be), but I then came accross an a forum discussion on librarian blogger ning entitled Working our way around the red tape, in which Kirsten was trying to set up a blog but all blog entries would have to go through there PR department. Please. How ineffective is that? It seems weird as library professionals w can talk to ourselves through blogs but not our users.
Anyhow, thankful I sent a request to for libraries that blog and got inundated with offers of assistance. Thanks for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Les,
my centre has an experimental blog at lowerclifton.wordpress.com
This Summer I will need to work up a paper on how the blog fits in with the overall communication strategy etc, and develop an evaluative framework. But, I have been 'allowed' to do it, so hopefully can keep it ;)