Friday, August 25, 2006

Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond review

I had heard previously of Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond previously via The Ubiquitous Librarian blog. He was using it and i wondered what it was about. Well, I found a new blog which discussed it. The blog is called the Park Ranger for the Intellectual Commons (bit of a mouthful). The blog entry says:-
'Diamond proposes that those who live in more "primitive" societies seem to be smarter than those who live in first-world, industrialized nations. Why, you ask? That's where it gets interesting.......As a result, industrialized peoples have evolved over the past several thousand years with the most successful individuals being those with the greatest disease tolerance. Meanwhile, people in hunter-gatherer societies have little medical care and higher rates of mortality due to homicide/war and prey animals. To survive they must be alert to the dangers around them and quick to respond. As a result, they have evolved with the most successful individuals being those who are most alert, intelligent, and agile.'

I would love to read this if I didn't have enough to read already. Good blog to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll share my GGS thoughts with you in Oct, still figuring out how to present it, etc. thanks for the interest.