Thursday, September 23, 2010

Talk on library and films at Senate House tonight (well actually 21.10.10)

I'm going to a talk tonight* at Senate House entitled Something Stirring in the Stack? Why filmmakers enter the library. The event is hosted by Professor Ian Christie.
The blurb saysa of the evening:-

Libraries have often provided an incongruous setting for unacademic pursuits on screen, from manhunts to hauntings, and of course seductions. But they also represent knowledge, which is often dangerous as well as enlightening. And in a select group of films, culminating in Amenabar's recent Agora, the defence of the library becomes a powerful symbol of civilisation itself. Little wonder that filmmakers are heavy borrowers.

The twitter hashtag is #EV2010c1021. I'm going as per usual.

* #epicfail the date of the event is actually 21.10.10. Apologies for the error.

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